I cannot imagine what Jesus’ followers, family and disciples must have felt like today…
The day after His brutal crucifixion.
The sadness..
The emptiness…
The feeling of loss…
Of being lost.
Fortunately for us…
We know there’s a happy ending…
We know what’s to come.
Before celebrating, though…
Spare a thought for Jesus…
For His family…
For His disciples…
For His followers.
Pray for them…
And thank them…
Because, through their sacrifices…
We can follow Jesus today.
Today's video: https://youtu.be/rVQqdMt0NNQ
Today's Readings: Numbers 6:24-26; Ephesians 3:16-19; Revelation 19:16
Pause. Pray. Thank You, God.
Keith Jones
Living a Life of Purpose