Clients often come back to me with comments like…
“I didn’t choose to be born”…
“How can I be responsible for decisions made by other people?”…
“So many things are out of my control”…
“I didn’t want a divorce… that was down to my ex!”
I could, of course, add many, many more, but pretty much all of them have one thing in common…
They’re all talking about things that are out of our control.
Sometimes it’s decisions made by other people…
Sometimes it’s an event that we have no control over…
The weather…
An accident…
A natural disaster.
The thing is, though…
Every time something happens in life…
Every time you’re caught up in something…
Yes, you…
Have a decision to make.
Maybe more than one decision.
You have to decide how to react to what’s happening…
You have to decide what action to take…
You have to make a decision!
And what happens next will be a result of the decision(s) you make.
Let’s look at a couple of possible scenarios.
- You’re given some very bad news by your doctor… you only have 12 months to live.
Do you…
- Carry on as normal?
- Hide away from the world and go into uncontrollable depression?
- Make the most of every day, doing things you’ve always wanted to do and helping others in similar situations to your own?
Which of these options would give you…
More peace?
More meaning to your life?
- Someone commits a horrendous crime against either you or a member of your family.
Do you…
- Carry on as normal?
- Look for revenge and spend the rest of your life hating that person and maybe even campaigning to bring back the death penalty?
- Try to understand why they committed the crime and forgive them?
Which of these options would give you…
More peace?
More meaning to your life?
Are you sure about which choices you’d make?
Are you happy with your decisions?
Let me know in the comments below…
Until next time.
Keith Jones
Helping people transform their lives
Need some help with your decision making?